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I has over...

I trillion dollars!


This is the ball falling dream.


I just managed 16:57 clear time, defined by Drake's criteria (I got a ball through Micro with all purchases in GB shop). I remember unnecessarily losing a few seconds here and there. Something around 16:30 seems to be the theoretical limit.

I've played this game way too many times.

(1 edit) (+2)

ok I think that IS the fastest time I've seen! The previous fastest that I knew of was from this vid:

That vid doesn't even have as strict a req. It ends once the last upgrade is bought. Awesome job!

(2 edits) (+3)

Oh that guy wastes so much time :) You don't go for "magic" first, you go for  "ball drop rate" and then get 2 golden balls per round until you get "starting money". Once you get that much money, you keep using the shrink ray until you can get the next stage and the splitter. Then you use splitter in the second stage to wreak havoc until you can get the third stage and then you get magic. Next round you use splitter in the third stage and collect all golden balls. Restart one last time with all golden balls, and play until you get a ball through the last stage, and time is about 16:50. If I play as strictly as he did, hovering my mouse over the prestige button and click it the moment it changes, I'm sure I could do less than 16:30.


Ahhhhhh I was wondering how you shaved off so much time. It was a bit hard for me to know when the optimal time was prestige - that's probably the trickiest calculation.


I hope this gets an update at some point in the future. Really love this game, and I wish we had some more content to enjoy here.

Only real complaint I have is the fact that Magic keeps targeting balls that are already small enough to get through, thus wasting a fair bit of potential damage, but considering how short the game is, it ultimately makes little difference.

16:51 clear time (and by clear I mean I got a ball through Micro with all purchases in GB shop) Previous best was over 23 minutes, so I'm happy with this improvement.


Geez 17m is very fast.! I forgot what the record was but I know that number is well under mine.

Thanks for the support, I'm working hard on the new version but it's a lot of new stuff so it's taking me a while.


Take all the time you need. If I have to choose between playing something unfinished and unpolished today or wait six months and play the finished, vastly improved version - I'll gladly wait.

You've got a really cool concept here and I'm curious to see what changes and additions you'll bring in. My only request, in all honesty, is just 'More.' because I really like what you've got here and aside from the complaint about Magic's inability to discern healthy targets from zombies, I honestly can't think of anything I would want to adjust or change.

Really solid game so far, so keep it up.

Sometimes my game reloads and it does not save and I wanted to get so much monies. SO ADD A SAVE FETURE

or i will (not literaly) KILL YOU

Whoa that's a very strange issue! Apologies for no save feature, as this was made for a short game jam. I hope you can at least max out upgrades before the reload (some players have done it in 20 minutes), but yea, hoarding infinite monies will be impossible.

i did so

Cool game! Excited for the update!


Thanks for playing :)

(1 edit)

maybe the gold balls could add to the ball worth by like 1% or 0.1% per gold ball?

otherwise this game is quite fun.

Yea that would've been a nice and easy way to allow for super endgame. I never really expected people to play for this long honestly.

Dude this game is so good. I come back for a round every so often because it's just satisfying. Generally I like number go bigger but ball go smaller is just as good.

Haha I haven't heard that observation before. It's nice to add some variety to the numbers-going-up genre.

(1 edit) (+1)

Shrink Ray + Beam for Meter

Splitter + Buzzsaw  for Micrometer

Hex + Lightning for Millimeter makes the best combo!

That's an inherently flawed combination by nature, hex and shrink ray both do flat damage whereas splitter does percentage based damage, and since balls have more health based on how small they are you want the higher/percentage based damage for the higher health balls. Otherwise I'd say splitter on micro and hex on meter, just cuz hex kinda sucks


Miscalculations were made.... 

That's a great GPU benchmark test :)


I did this, my mac set itself on fire.


Dude absolutely loving this game - very unique game play

Any updates on the next release?

Thanks a lot :)

I wish I could give more concrete details and dates but there is still a lot of systems in flux right now.


splitter + buzzsaw + millimeter = op

Thanks for playing!


the magic weapon is AFK based, the other ones are RNG based

Indeed the weapons have different properties that map to the stages a bit different. AOE size is another consideration.

Love the game, finally finished it

Great to hear :)


I've been playing your game every few months. but i'm starting to doubt that the full version has even started development. Do you have any new features planned, or even better some screenshots?


Thanks for checking in :) I've started development quite a while ago but you're right that I haven't been communicating many details. This is less of a "more stages more weapons" thing but more of a full game since the current version was a gamejam prototype.

Everything is still in flux which is a big reason why I haven't given any specifics, but there are many new features in the works. Wish I could go faster but I'm still learning a lot myself.


how to download?


It's just a web game right now, so no download.


when download?


No plans to have a download. Is the web version not working for you?


Why download?


better question who download?


the strat in this game is pretty easy still a great game in my opinion


Yea this game's more on the chill side. The next version should be a lot more challenging.


enoyed it , maxed all out in like 1-2 hours, nice game


Thanks for playing :)


you should make fall ball fall 2 im sure that would be awesome!


It's in the oven :)


cool hope it comes out soon


how do you get gb´ s


You get GBs when you prestige. You get 1 GB when you've had $100 worth of balls pass through, and you can earn more with higher amounts.




FUCK I RESTARTED. I have to speedrun now


nvm just gonna go back to playing casually


This game is great, it's fun to watch the balls shrink, and it's a nice way to just relax. 10/10!

Game suggestions:

  • Add sound (I can try making it!)
  • Add 1 more weapon. It could be one that focuses on dealing a lot of damage to one target. Its modules could be something like a leech, in the sense that it latches onto a ball and slowly shrinks it. I have 2 different ideas for module two: 1: If the leech actually does something besides drain ball size, such as making the leeching tower more powerful temporarily, you could add a module that has upgrades AND self-upgrades depending on how much health it's leeched. For example, if this module used lasers, 0 - 250 health drained would let the tower use 1 laser, but 250 - 500 would let it use 2 lasers, and so on. Make sure you cap it somewhere if you use this idea, otherwise we'll become gods lol. Idea 2: If leeching doesn't change anything else, try using poison with it, or something else that deals damage over time. Weapon could be called Plague, or something of that caliber due to the nature of its modules. Another idea is the Combine, a combination of modules from each weapon. It could either be customizable or just use the first module of each weapon.
  • It looks like there's exactly enough space in each weapon to fit one more module, so why not? Shrink ray could have a little shield thing around each tower that damages anything that goes through the shield, magic could have horizontal attacks (spawned randomly around the map, like Hex), and Splitter could have a sword projectile that goes a short range (like half of Shrink Ray's base range, maybe smaller). If the DoT weapon suggested above was added, its third module could be 
  • Add more GB Upgrades, like one that increases how much each ball is worth, and another way to decrease the cost of getting more weapons (one idea is to get an upgrade that allows the weapon prices in each stage to scale separately. It should cost a lot though)
  • Add a ball type that spawns randomly, taking more time to destroy, or maybe having a time limit on it, but also having it give you more money.
  • I'm assuming you're already working on it, but a save feature. Why not put it in a settings menu and add some other features there, like changing colors?

Unrelated to the list above, I won the game in just under 12 hours :D

Entirely related to the list above, I just realized you already have a plan. Consider everything I just wrote relatively worthless and just keep scrolling. Also, I was supposed to be able to finish this in 1 hour? Speedrun time, I guess


Heya, I loved the details on your comments! I definitely appreciate you putting in all that effort. I assure you the feedback isn't worthless, because even if I'm working on things similar to what you said, it tells me I'm on the right path. And you nailed a bunch of things correctly as to what I'm working on which is impressive.

For example you guessed that I had enough space for one more module. That was indeed the original plan for the game. But since this was a built for a week-long gamejam, I simply ran out of time implementing weapons.

In general I had been thinking about different ways that things are shrunk (shrink ray, magic, chopping up into pieces, etc) and gravity was one that I want to implement. In particular I was inspired by Gravity Squeeze

which would be similar to your idea of a single-target leech. I hadn't considered a self-upgrade for that though which could be interesting.

Regarding speedrunning, if you know exactly what you're doing you can clear it pretty fast. I'm happy you just find the game pretty chill and relaxing though, and that you and others have managed to squeeze a good amount of gameplay out of it. It definitely motivates me to keep pushing on the full version :)

(1 edit)

Wait, I actually got some stuff right?! wow

Gravity is a much better idea than poison, lol. The gravity squeeze thing would be really cool, and it follows the same idea as the leech thing I made earlier. I hope this game goes well, it's really fun! As you said, you're going in the right direction :D

Also, I'm assuming that the next maps would be called Nanometer and Picometer?

Edit: I just searched it up, the next maps (if you follow the current naming scheme) would be Nanometer, Picometer, Femtometer, Attometer, Zeptometer, Yoctometer, Xonometer, Vecometer, Mecometer, Duecometer, Trecometer, Tetrecometer, Pentecometer, Hexecometer, Heptecometer, Octecometer, Ennecometer, and Icosometer. that's 10^-60 XD

Yep just gotta keep shrinking down to subatomic levels :)

I do have a good amount of bigger, unexpected changes coming as well. In general I like to experiment and push new kinds of game design styles. Maybe it'll turn out well, maybe it won't! But I'd rather take some risks than give you more of the same.


94 GB!

What do I do next? :)

You can now bask in all your ball shrinking glory!


whens the next update


At this point I don't have a clear timeframe. I'm certainly working on it every day but it's a bit hard for me to tell honestly.


its just a cheap version of Tower Ball.


This is the game that was based on :)

So much fun

Thanks a lot!

Very nice game!

Thanks for playing :)

Thanks for a very interesting game.
The exhilaration at the end drove me crazy.

Glad you liked it!


also splitter WAYY to OP


why is any more than 10k turn the number into an e? isnt that to low?


is the full version still indev or have you moved on?


Yup, working on it actively and daily. The changes are bigger than I initially planned so it might still be a bit!


good to hear!


You better finish it quick, not asking.


Great game, just missing that all important save feature.  :)

so many balls :P

its a real nice game but it 

would be great if there was more stages 

Thanks for playing :) I'm working on a full version with more stages and more weapons, but it might be a whiles away.

nice to read that the game is getting expanded right now.

just for curiosity:
what order do you guys use the weapons in, from first to third level?
I first use splinter, then shrink ray and finally magic :-)


magic, shrink ray, splitter


is there anyway u could put the newer version on your account so we could play it while u are making it?


I may do that once it gets closer to being done. Right now there are too many parts that are under construction and don't even work.


Love it! Please add some way to keep your progress when refreshing the game if you can. Even without the save, it's an incredible game, it's so satisfying to watch the balls slowly shrink! Waiting for updates -socooirafa


Thanks :) I'm definitely planning a lot of longterm features, and saving will of course be included.

(1 edit) (+1)

Great boredom killer! 5/5 stars given! I can't wait for future updates.


Beat the game in under an hour, really looking forward to new stages and weapons.

For reference, the next distance names are meter, millimeter, micrometer, nanometer, picometer, femtometer, attometer, zeptometer, and yoctometer.

This is great!! Looking forward to updates.

Thanks, hang tight!

(1 edit)


edit: its really fun but it needs more

I appreciate it :) I'm definitely focused on a full version so hang tight. 

Really nice game, loved it! :-)

Thanks for playing :)

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